Level 6

Level 6



Create variables

Create variables

Rocket game cover image
Rocket game cover image

About this game

Meet Robo, a flying robot who loves to collect Pico Coins. Help Robo navigate the world, avoid obstacles and missiles.

Sneak peek

Rocket game gif

Learning outcomes

  • Create your own variables to represent game logic

  • Get familiar to basic coding syntax

  • Learn about string, number and boolean variables

  • Customize the game using code

About this game

Meet Robo, a flying robot who loves to collect Pico Coins. Help Robo navigate the world, avoid obstacles and missiles.

Sneak peek

Rocket game gif

Learning outcomes

  • Create your own variables to represent game logic

  • Get familiar to basic coding syntax

  • Learn about string, number and boolean variables

  • Customize the game using code

Ready to start coding?

Ready to start coding?

Get started today with Pico

Get started today with Pico

Have questions? Get in touch at info@getpico.co

Have questions? Get in touch at info@getpico.co